Monday, June 11, 2007

Dashboard of the Week on ProjectInsight !

Our Project Performance Report and Dashboard was selected as a Dashboard of the week for!

Here is more information about this Demo

This project was designed to demonstrate the use of Digital Project Management reporting tools. This Project Performance Report is for the management of the construction of 5 main offices for Arco Corporation in 5 South American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay and Perú). The estimated duration of the project is 24 months, and the approved budget is $17,000,000. The teams assigned to the project are Legal, Architecture, Engineering, Communications and Electrical. The Project Performance Report is intended to be used as a reporting tool for Arco Corporation at all organizational levels. However, because the Dashboard piece in particular will be used to update Regional Managers in Spanish-speaking countries, Arco Corporation required the Dashboard section of the tool to be written in both English and Spanish. In this demonstration, the supporting information included in the report could remain solely in English. In this demonstration, the concept of Earned Value Management is partially presented based on global standards from the Project Management Institute (PMI). Company names and all data are fictitious and were developed for demonstration purposes only.

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Friday, June 1, 2007

Performance Report Panel Vs Dashboard

It is very common on these days to read about Digital Dashboards and how important they are for executives and companies. The problem is when we try to show all the information on a reduced space and when we try to fulfill all of our executive’s requirements. At that point the final product contains a lot of item that cause more distraction than help. I think that it is very useful to have a Dashboard as a part of a major repository, like a Performance Report, where all the supporting information is available. In that way, the user can easily see the Main Dashboard (which will provide enough information to support a decision) and access to the rest of the data if is needed.

The goal of an effective Dashboard

The goal of an effective Digital Dashboard is to provide Actionable Data/Information based on past which predicts future performance and trigger alerts to decision makers.
This should be the main goal, like the dashboard on the cars, you should be able to know the "Health" of your organization as soon as you see your Dashboard.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Digital Dashboard, from Wikipedia

A digital dashboard, also known as an enterprise dashboard or executive dashboard, is a business management tool used to visually ascertain the status (or "health") of a business enterprise via key business indicators. Digital dashboards use visual, at-a-glance displays of data pulled from disparate business systems to provide warnings, action notices, next steps, and summaries of business conditions.

Types of dashboards

Dashboard of Sustainability screen shot illustrating example dashboard layout
Based on the metaphor of the instrument panel in a car, the computer, or "digital" version of a dashboard provides a business manager with the input necessary to "drive" the business. Devices such as red/green/yellow lights, alerts, drill-downs, summaries, graphics such as bar charts, pie charts, bullet graphs, sparklines and gauges are usually set in a portal-like environment that is often role-driven and customizable.
Digital dashboards may be laid out to track the flows inherent in the business processes that they monitor. Graphically, users may see the high-level processes and then drill down into low level data. This level of detail is often buried deep within the corporate enterprise and otherwise unavailable to the senior executives.
Specialized dashboards may track all corporate functions. Examples include human resources, recruiting, sales, operations, security, information technology, project management, customer relationship management and many more departmental dashboards. For a collection of over 800 enterprise dashboard screenshots see The Dashboard Spy, a blog dedicated to monitoring digital dashboards.
Digital dashboard projects involve business units as the driver and the information technology department as the enabler. The success of digital dashboard projects often rely on the correct selection of metrics to monitor. Key performance indicators, balanced scorecards, sales performance figures — these are just some of the content appropriate on business dashboards.

Historically, the idea of digital dashboards follows the work in the 1970s with the study of decision support systems. In the late 1990s with the surge of the web, digital dashboards as we know them today began appearing. Many systems were home built as the emphasis on efficiency became a passion. Today, digital dashboard technology is available "out-of-the-box" with many software providers on the scene. Certain companies however still continue to do in-house development and maintenance of dashboard applications. Like GE Aviation has developed a proprietary software/portal called as "Digital Cockpit" to monitor the trends in aircraft spare parts business.

Benefits of digital dashboards
Most organizations have various departments all contributing to its overall success and thus it is important to be able to assess the progress of each department. Digital dashboards, which are a type of executive information system, allow managers to do just that. To gauge exactly how well an organization is performing overall, digital dashboards allow you to capture and report specific data points from each department within the organization, thus providing a "snapshot" of performance.

Some benefits to using digital dashboards include:
- Elimination of duplicate data entry.
- Ability to identify and correct negative trends.
- Measure efficiencies/inefficiencies.
- Ability to generate detailed reports showing new trends.
- Increase overall revenues.
- Ability to make more informed decisions based on collected BI (business intelligence)
- Align strategies and organizational goals.

Aerospace Digital Dashboards
The aerospace industry has a long history of designing and refining cockpit display systems. In the U.S. the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have long histories of research into the ergonomic aspects of cockpit design and have conducted extensive investigations of airline industry accidents. Many cycles of primary research and subsequent application of findings have occurred over the history of aviation, involving such disciplines as: Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Perception, Human computer interaction, Human-Factors Engineering, and Ergonomics, as they colletively apply to aerospace safety.
Modern aircraft designs have rapidly adopted a fully digital “glass cockpit.” In current systems, instruments and gauges, including complex navigational map displays, are constructed using a standard user interface markup language known as ARINC 661. This standard defines the interface between an independent cockpit display system, generally manufactured by one entity; and the various user applications needing dynamic access to it, such as gauges, instruments, controls, etc., often made by different manufacturers. The separation between the overall display system, and the various applications driving it, allows for considerable specialization and independence.

External links
Dashboard Insight: A repository for Digital Dashboards from all current Business Intelligence companies and a place of discussion for products and Digital Dashboard related ideas.
BusinessWeek Magazine: Giving the Boss the Big Picture: A dashboard pulls up everything the CEO needs to run the show (February 2006)
The Dashboard Spy, a screenshot collection of over 800 business intelligence digital dashboards
The White House Economic Statistics Briefing Room — an example of a "dashboard" that collates information feeds from multiple sources and presents them with a unified look and feel

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dashboard used for Project Performance Report - Case Study

Medsphere is the leading commercial provider of open source-based electronic health record (EHR) systems and services for hospitals and clinics. With large software and professional services engagements, the company has a strong focus on project management through an established Program Management Office (PMO).

Program Management Institute PMP specialists are responsible for presenting the overall progress on the company’s projects – primarily its customer implementations – and they wanted a powerful method to communicate project status to their different stakeholder audiences including board members and customers. Sam Williams, PMP, director of the Program Management Office for Medsphere elaborated on their business challenge: “We needed to transmit essential information such as budget and milestone progress in a very concise and easy to understand fashion. We were using PowerPoint and Excel; however, these didn’t give a snapshot, visual view of the data. We needed a more effective way of communicating status.”

Why Crystal Xcelsius?
Medsphere chose Crystal Xcelsius to help them communicate project status in a graphical format. Fabian Lopez, PMP, senior business analyst for Medsphere: “After evaluating several dashboard solutions, we chose Crystal Xcelsius because we could deliver real-time performance data directly into a visually intuitive, interactive dashboard. We were able to create a fully functioning model in a matter of days. We also liked the high-impact graphics that allow us to create dramatic dashboards that get attention.”
The PMO pulls data from various data sources across the entire organization to populate their Crystal Xcelsius dashboards, ensuring that the dashboards provide a complete picture of project status. Currently the PMO manually updates these dashboards at regular intervals; however, they are transitioning to full automation using the live data connectivity feature available in certain configurations of Crystal Xcelsius.

Exceptional Dashboards
The Medsphere PMO has developed various dashboards to convey project status information from across the company on each customer implementation. Crystal Xcelsius’ intuitive interface allows the PMO to easily create or modify a dashboard based on stakeholder requests. Key dashboards include enterprise performance management dashboards, such as the Project Performance Dashboard and the Project Status Dashboard, as well as others, including Scheduling, Actuals vs. Planned, Issues, Top 5 challenges, Risk Management, and Earned Value Management dashboards.
- Project Performance Dashboard: The Project Performance Dashboard helps Medsphere managers, executives and board members quickly obtain an understanding of the progress of customer implementations. For example, they can see at a glance budget and schedule performance that can be used to forecast future performance [see Diagram 3].
- Project Status Dashboard: The Project Status Dashboard helps Medsphere managers, executives and board members quickly obtain information on project challenges including burn off and aging status.
Medsphere can add these live interactive dashboards into PowerPoint, PDF or on the Web, giving users the information in whatever format they’re comfortable with. Users can also drill-down into the dashboard to study the underlying data. The source data is always the same and Medsphere can choose the preferred presentation format.

Business Benefits
- Improved communication
“Crystal Xcelsius helped us accomplish one of our major goals: improved communication. Its visual display of information makes complex messages very easy to understand,” said Williams. Sam explains that a PMP Specialist has two major skills they must be well versed in: negotiation and communication. ”If people don’t understand you, the right things aren’t going to happen. Crystal Xcelsius helps us make this process simple. Now it’s hard to misinterpret the message as it’s in a clear visual format that people can readily understand.”

- Ability to get an accurate pulse on the business
“The dashboard project is really about controlling and monitoring. The dashboards help us see the big picture, and at the same time, we can drill down into smaller pieces to make decisions based on that insight,” said Lopez. “By knowing that we are behind schedule, relevant stakeholders can make quick decisions to get things back on track. The impact is very high.”
Previously, Medsphere internal users had to sort through numerous PowerPoint slides and decks to get at critical customer project information. With Crystal Xcelsius, they can see overall status at once and drill into relevant or concern areas, helping them prioritize where decisions need to be made. Medsphere often uses the Crystal Xcelsius stoplight graphical presentation of data to give users a snapshot view of information – red indicates a problem area, yellow indicates a potential problem area, and green indicates that everything is on track.

- Improved ability for the PMO to accomplish its goals
The PMO develops and implements standardized processes across the company. The PMO lays out a plan, budget, timeline, resources, quality standards and other performance measures to ensure that company-wide initiatives are done in a timely, effective and profitable manner. And Crystal Xcelsius helps them accomplish this. Explained Williams: “As a PMP Specialist, we are interested in the quality of the information and trying to determine how much information people need and what kind of information is important for them to know at any given time. Crystal Xcelsius helps us present the right information, at the right time, in the right way. It’s what has helped us accomplish the objectives PMP specialists set out to do everyday.”
For More Information

About Crystal Xcelsius
Crystal Xcelsius provides industry leading interactive data visualization. With Crystal Xcelsius Standard and Professional, users can create Excel dashboards and business presentations from ordinary spreadsheets – then integrate them into PowerPoint, Word, PDF and the Web. Crystal Xcelsius Workgroup allows the user to create interactive business dashboards connected “live” to company data, then share them “live” to a user’s desktop, or across any Portal environment. Learn more about these editions at
Crystal Xcelsius also integrates with Business Objects enterprise applications. To learn more, please visit

About Medsphere Systems Corporation
Medsphere is the leading commercial provider of open source technology for the healthcare industry. The company is revolutionizing healthcare by delivering commercially supported software based on the proven VistA® electronic health record (EHR) developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Under the brand name of OpenVista™, Medsphere offers a portfolio of products and professional services for hospitals, clinics and integrated delivery networks. The company addresses the capital constraints of the healthcare industry through an innovative subscription‑based pricing model. Medsphere’s experienced team of healthcare technology professionals and unique suite of rapid implementation tools deliver unprecedented time to value recognition. For more information, visit

Dashboard Definition

"Dashboards are a medium of communication. To work effectively, they must be designed to present the information that people need to do their jobs in a way that is clear, accurate, and efficient."
by Stephen Few

Idea Grafica

En Diseño la idea gráfica, la visualización mental de la solución, constituye el punto de partida de todo proyecto y está regida por el lenguaje más que por las propias imágenes. Sin embargo, la materia que compone esa idea pertenece al mundo de la imagen. De esta manera, el concepto gráfico se alcanza a partir del equilibrio entre texto e ilustración.